Chi-Chi Undie

Senior Associate, Population Council Reproductive Health Programme

Chi-Chi Undie is a senior associate with the Population Council’s Reproductive Health program in Nairobi. Since joining the Council in 2009, Undie’s research has focused primarily on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and adolescent girls. Since 2011, she has served as project director for the Council-led ‘Africa Regional SGBV Network’—a multi-country, multi-partner SGBV response and research initiative in East and Southern Africa. Before joining the Council, Undie was a Ford Foundation postdoctoral fellow and, later, an associate research scientist at the African Population and Health Research Center. There she led the Center’s sexuality program and conducted several sexual and reproductive health research projects. Undie is co-chair of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative’s Coordinating Group. She holds a BA in French from the University of Calabar and graduate degrees in intercultural communication (MA) and language, literacy, and culture (PhD) from the University of Maryland.