Influential actors on GBV in DRC, their programmes and their connections

What is the evidence of the landscape of actors working on gender-based violence (GBV) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), including women’s rights organisations (at the national level and specifically in Kasai province and North and South Kivu and Ituri)?

The landscape of actors and programmes on GBV in DRC is complex. For nearly three decades, national and international organisations have expressed concern about the high rates of sexual violence linked to conflict in the Eastern region, and most actors integrate GBV to some extent in their humanitarian/relief programming. In addition, some actors have specific programmes on GBV prevention and/or care and mitigation.

The Ministry of Gender, Family and Children leads the GBV response in DRC. In 2020, it published the Stratégie nationale révisée de lutte contre les violences sexuelles basées sur le genre (SNVSBG)1 focussed on the need for increasing efforts on prevention and taking into account different forms of GBV beyond sexual violence linked to insecurity and conflict. Other key governmental actors include the Reproductive Health and Adolescents Health National Programmes within the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education.

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