Sohini Bhattacharya

CEO, Breakthrough

Sohini, CEO of Breakthrough, is an intrepid intrepreneur and social change enthusiast who has 30+ years of experience in the development sector. She also served as the President of Breakthrough USA from 2017 to 2020 to manage the crucial founder transition and stabilise the organisation. Prior to this, Sohini had helped found an organisation working with women on livelihoods, worked directly with indigenous artisans on artisan-market interfaces and co-founded a gender resource centre in Kolkata. Before joining Breakthrough, Sohini spent 10 years at Ashoka Innovators for the Public, building an ecosystem for social entrepreneurs. She also worked with the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) as its India advisor in the early stages of the organisation's entry into India. Sohini represents Breakthrough in the Global Alliance for Social And Behaviour Change Communication and in the Feminist Digital Justice Working Group. She co-chairs the Awards Committee at Catalyst 2030, a global alliance of social entrepreneurs to attain the SDGs. Sohini serves on the board of Dastkar, Kolkata Sanved and Akar Social Associates and is a Trustee of Read India, an organisation creating community-led sustainable libraries in rural India. Sohini dreams of running a B&B in the beaches of Goa someday.