Right To Play International (RTPI)
RTP is dedicated to safeguarding, educating, and empowering children who are confronted with adversity in some of the world's most challenging and disadvantaged regions.
RTP is dedicated to safeguarding, educating, and empowering children who are confronted with adversity in some of the world's most challenging and disadvantaged regions. Their primary areas of focus involve enhancing the quality of education, empowering young women, and girls, and fostering the psychosocial health and well-being of children and youth. RTP will implement the What Works funded project with Aahung, a feminist organisation that works to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of men, women, and adolescents in Pakistan.
The What Works funded intervention builds on the success of the play-based life skills project funded under What Works 1 and draws upon proven strategies previously employed by RTP that will be seamlessly integrated into Aahung's life skills-based SRHR curriculum aiming to mainstream this amalgamated approach within public and private schools in the Sindh province with students aged 11-15. This intervention will incorporate a whole-of-school approach by addressing violence prevention through the school ecosystem of students, teachers, school management, parents, and referral systems.
Learn about our successful grantees
Our grants include Innovation and Scale grants across a number of focus areas. In our first funding round, eight grants have been awarded.