Getting Back on Track With SDG 5: Seven Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls

Tackling VAWG is a priority towards making progress on the SDGs by 2030. Here are seven concrete actions for the next seven years that policymakers, donors, and practitioners can take.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out a formidable road map to realise a more equitable world for people and the planet, leaving no one behind. At this midpoint moment, with less than seven years to the 2030 deadline, there is significant work remaining when half of the population still faces daily threats to their well-being, bodily autonomy, and safety. Across diverse ages, nationalities, and (dis)abilities, women and girls are at risk of experiencing violence because of their gender. This risk becomes even more grave for women and girls who face intersecting levels of discrimination due to age, citizenship, sexuality, employment status, gender identity, geography, and other structural factors.

Tackling VAWG is a priority towards making progress on the SDGs by 2030. Here are seven concrete actions for the next seven years that policymakers, donors, and practitioners can take.

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Our grants include Innovation and Scale grants across a number of focus areas. In our first funding round, eight grants have been awarded.