School-based approaches to tackling violence
This report is based on a mapping of successful programmes which have been employed in primary and secondary schools and have proven to be successful in tackling school-based violence and changing attitudes and norms towards violence.
Schools provide an important entry point for preventing violence not only in schools, but also in the wider communities they serve. School-based interventions provide an important opportunity to prevent violence at scale, given their potential to reach many students, teachers and parents. Schools have considerable influence on children’s learning about respectful relationships with their peers, potential partners and in the wider community. With carefully designed and implemented interventions, schools can transform harmful attitudes and norms towards violence. This query is based on a mapping of successful programmes which have been employed in primary and secondary schools and have proven to be successful in tackling school-based violence and changing attitudes and norms towards violence (see Annex 1 for methodology). It includes a focus on male-on-male violence as well as violence against girls (VAG). It is based on rapid evidence review (up to six days) and therefore draws upon systematic reviews and other evidence reviews to identify the most successful programmes, which have been rigorously evaluated to demonstrate evidence of success.
Learn about our successful grantees
Our grants include Innovation and Scale grants across a number of focus areas. In our first funding round, eight grants have been awarded.