Center for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP)

CEDOVIP is dedicated to preventing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Uganda through partnerships with communities, institutions, government agencies, and civil society.

CEDOVIP is dedicated to preventing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Uganda through partnerships with communities, institutions, government agencies, and civil society.  The What Works 2 funded programme aims at integrating GBV prevention, mitigation and response in a non-traditional GBV sector.

In collaboration with the Government of Uganda's Ministry of Water and Environment, Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and the Uganda National Meteorological Authority, CEDOVIP seeks to integrate gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response into climate change mitigation efforts aligned with wetland restoration programmes.  Utilising the SASA! Together community mobilization approach, the programme will employ a structured, phased strategy to inspire and empower effective community mobilisation, encouraging discussions about power, involving women and men, leaders, service providers, and institutions. 

Learn About Our Successful Grantees

Our grants include Innovation and Scale grants across a number of focus areas. In our first funding round, eight grants have been awarded.