Lori Michau

Co-founder and Co-Director of Raising Voices

Lori Michau is the co-founder and Co-Director of Raising Voices, a feminist non-profit organization based in Kampala, Uganda, working to prevent violence against women and children. Lori also spearheaded the creation of the GBV Prevention Network, coordinated by Raising Voices, now with over 1000 members in the Horn, East and Southern Africa and co-founded the Center for Domestic Violence Prevention in Kampala. Prior to Raising Voices she was the Program Director at Jijenge! Women’s Center for Sexual Health in Mwanza, Tanzania. She has extensive experience in community mobilization and has developed comprehensive methodologies for violence prevention which are being used in over 60 countries including the SASA! Activist Kit for Preventing Violence against Women and HIV which is among the few approaches globally with proven, community-level impact on preventing intimate partner violence against women and HIV risk. Lori has also has written numerous articles on violence prevention, and leads a team dedicated to infusing global VAW prevention work with the transformational potential of solidarity, activism and technical rigor. Lori received her Masters in Human Rights from Makerere University in Uganda.